Portfolio Management

The cornerstones of my investment management philosophy are Asset Allocation, Trading Discipline, Dividend investing and Socially Responsible Investing.

  • Asset allocation. Asset allocation means including various investment styles and asset classes in your portfolio in order to minimize the effects of market volatility and enhance potential return. Simply put, it means making sure that all your eggs are not in one basket. When deciding upon an appropriate asset allocation, we consider your investment personality, your financial goals and time horizon and your risk tolerance. Timely rebalancing helps keep the portfolio allocation in line.
  • Trading Discipline
         Buy Discipline. I am a value investor. Value investors buy stocks that trade at a discount to their underlying value, and hold them until more of the value is recognized. When we 'buy low', we limit some of the downside risk of buying stocks. The keys to value investing are patience and conviction. Value Investing is the basis of what we all know about how to make money – Buy low, sell high.
         Sell Discipline. While my typical holding period spans a multiyear investment horizon, there are times when selling some or all of a portfolio position makes sense. I may trim or exit investments based on a number of factors. I monitor companies on an ongoing basis using my own research as well as third-party sources.
  • Dividend investing. I love dividends. Dividends pay cash regularly into your account. That’s reassuring when markets are volatile or in a downturn. Setting aside money to pay dividends to shareholders imposes discipline on corporate management. Dividends are treated preferentially for income tax purposes, that is you pay less tax on dividend income than interest income.
  • Socially Responsible Investing. Please see the SRI tab for more information.